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by Pamela Levin, R.N., 
Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst, 
Clinical Nutrition and Herbology

Your Health and Fitness Plan

So, you're ready to make a health and fitness plan for yourself, or update one you already had. Good for you. If you want to carry out that plan successfully and reach your health and fitness goals, be sure to include this essential ingredient.


Reduce Stress and Improve Results

Do you want to improve your ability to attract what you want in life? If so, you need to learn how to manage your emotional self. That's because it is central to your success in manifesting what you want in life.
In other words, it is central to how the law of attraction works.


Stress and Rashes and Physical Symptoms

How can stress cause a rash or some other horrible physical symptom or illness? Understanding how this works will give you a way to think about this so you can reduce your stress exposure and manage your stress better when it happens.


Emotional Diet Neglect and its High Cost

The word "diet" makes most of us think about food - what, when and how much we eat, etc. But another kind of diet is least or even more important: our emotional diet.
Ignoring, neglecting or abusing our emotional diet can lead to all kinds of dire consequences.
Here are five of the many such examples, followed by what to do to avoid them:


The Two Most Important Relationship Messages

t's horrible when relationships go sour. There's so much pain and grief. It can feel like you've been sucker-punched in the gut, or like your heart's being ripped out or you've been hit with a brick bat.


HPV Vaccine Facts Before Deciding

A recent NWPC (National Women's Political Caucus) email promoted HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Naturally, no one wants cervical cancer. But is this effective, and is it a good idea?

The email stated that HPV is “the virus that causes 96 percent of cervical cancer cases.” But according to James Howenstine, M.D., “The FDA has been aware since 2003 that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) does not cause cervical cancer.


How To Manage Emotional Problems

Emotional problems are like plants in a garden. If you don't do something about them, they'll just keep growing. Like weeds.
And pretty soon things are absolutely out of control, you're stressed to the max even thinking about what to do and you wonder how things got that way.


Know Your Feelings by special guest author H.D. Johns

How we manage feelings is central to our overall emotional health as well as our emotional healing process. And learning to manage feelings is a primary emotional intelligence (EQ) skill.

Here are some tasty nuggets for you - simmered slowly over some thirty-five years of clinical experience: observations made by clinical psychologist and Transactional Analysis therapist H.D. Johns.


Successful Relationship Reminders from Infants about Feelings

Infants have to create successful relationships because their lives depend on it. And infants' lives revolve around feelings. They can't distract themselves from feelings like adults try to. That's why they're such great sources of learning for us about the role of our emotional state as we seek to build relationships that nourish and sustain us.
What can infants teach us about that?


Successful Relationship Reminders from Infantsabout Expressing

Emotional states are part of every relationship. If we express them well, they contribute to the loving, nourishing relationships we need to sustain us. But handle them poorly, and the result can be complete sabotage.

We can only benefit by learning to handle our emotional states well.  What constructive cues can we take from how infants deal with their emotional states?
Here are five the many such examples, followed by what to do to avoid them:


Successful Relationship Reminders From Infants about Trust

As adults, we may carry a great deal of confusion about trust: who to trust, when to trust, how much to trust, even whether to trust... ever! But for infants, this a no-brainer.
What can infants teach us to clear up this confusion?


Successful Relationship Reminders from Infants about Presence

Infants have everything to teach us about how to build successful relationships. That's because all relationships are built using the same tasks and methods infants use. And, infants have to be successful at engaging others - their lives depend on it!

Straight out of the womb, what's the first thing infants do to engage people?


How To Expose Your Hidden Candida

Candida is a yeast iinfection and can occur anywhere in your body - in local tissues such as eyes, mouth, ears, vaginal tract, urethra, prostate, breast - amd also throughout your entire system.  If it is systemic, it can cause a variety of symptoms.   Finding out and dealing with it is crucial/ Why is this so?


When Candida Comes Back

How frustrating to make all the effort to get rid of Candidia, only to find that it's back, like an unwelcome houseguest! You wonder what on eart is the matter. Here's what might be happening...

Read more... 

Emotional Hunger Calls for Emotional Nourishment

Are emotional hungers – ones you may not even be aware of – driving you to make choices based on emotional need instead of what’s actually best for you? If so, what kind of consequences might you expect, and what constructive steps can you take?

Read more... 

Anger Three Ways

Anger is part of our human condition, which means we need to figure out strategies for recognizing it and then for managing it.    We can reap huge dividents and prevent major negative outcomes by knowing what to do when we feel angry.


Bone Density Tests

So you've had a bone mineral density test, and now you have your results.  But what do these results actually mean?


 Bone Test Without a Radiation Dose

Are you seeking an alternative test to DEXA scan results for bone mineral density testing? You're not alone. Even though the medical community considers the DEXA (bone mineral density) test to be the gold standard in diagnosing bone loss, there are reasons to use other tests.

Read more... 

Fracture Risk, Bone Cells and Bone Health - Two Different Approaches

Fracture risk motivates people to seek strong bones.  When approaching the Western medical system seeking this better bone health, they discovered that the standard approach is to prescribe drugs that affect bone cells directly. 
Actually, if your bone mineral density test score is low, the standard of practice  requires licensed health professionals with  'prescriptive powers'  (those whose licenses give them the legal right to write prescriptions) to order certain drugs.  

  The standard of practice formula works like this: 

 Your Mental Attitude Shapes Your Relationships

Because each of us is unique, each of us is different, and that can be a source of tension and conflict between people in any kind of relationship - intimate, work, ethnic, national.

If you want to minimize fighting, relationship ruptures, tension and trauma in your relationships and get along with others, checking out your mental attitude is a great place to start. That's because it can make a major difference in reducing, even eliminating painful disputes and distruptions.

So,before you start to develop a problem in a relationship, check to see what fundamental attitude you hold about your own humanity and that of others. Here's one example of such an attitude that has proven exceptionally effective.


Ten Wierd Symptoms - One Root Cause

Here are ten different bodily symptoms that can pester and worry you and make you suffer. You'd never think they might all be connected to one root cause, but indeed they can.
See if you can guess their common root (no peeking!)
Here they are:


Your Bones and Your Emotions

When you think of improving your bone health, if you're like most people, you think about physical things to do. For example, exercise more, especially weight bearing. Or eat higher quality food. Or take certain supplements.
While these are all important and valid in and of themselves, they do not complete the picture of what it takes to achieve full health of bones. That's because bones exist in bodies, and bodies are affected by emotions.

But can there be a link between bone health and emotional health?


Your Bone Health Links to Your Emotions

So you want to keep or improve your bone health. Excellent. To do that, there's a very important pathway to understand. That's the pathway that links your feelings, or your emotions to your bones.
Sound a bit far-fetched? Tenuous? But it's not at all. Here's how it works.


Individuation, Assertiveness and Conflicts

Individuation, assertiveness and conflicts can be healthy when they are born of a need to grow. 
As adults, we need to assert individual differences and individual rights as part of our individuation process, just as a two-year-old children need to do. 
When we push and test to discover limits and exercise our ability to say no during external conflicts, we are not creating dysfunctional conflict.Rather we are giving birth to ourselves as more independent and, powerful.  

But that process, so normal and natural to two year olds, can be uncertain.


The Flu - Decrease the Odds thatYou'll Succumb

Getting the flu is unpleasant, to say the least. You feel awful - achey, chilled, feverish, fatigued, and more. It's enough to make you want to curl up in a ball and make the world go away.

So how can you reduce the chances that you'll succumb? Here are four essential strategies to be sure you've got in place.


Flu Vaccine Effectiveness/ Flu Vaccine Safety

A great deal of controversy surrounds the flu vaccination and the governmental policies controlling its use. Consumers are asking these two big questions, addressed here:
  1. Is it effect?
  2. What are the side effects or risks?


 Your Flu Vulnerability and Your Emotional Health Are Linked

Make no mistake - your emotional state has everything to do with your immune functioning.

And your emotional state in turn has everything to do with your emotional diet, yet you may not even know what an emotional diet is, let alone manage it for your better health.

You likely already know that neglecting your food diet would make you much more vulnerable to 'catching' the flu. Bad eating habits and poor nutrition have lots of negative payoffs, and susceptibility to infection is a big one. That's why we pay attention to when we eat, how much we eat, and the quality of our food.

Far fewer of us pay attention to another kind of diet - our emotional one, yet it links directly into our immunity and susceptibility to getting 'bugs' like the flu.


The Flu - How Health Practitioners Arm Themselves Against It

What approach do many health practitioners use to arm themselves against the flu and other 'bugs' that go around?

In summary, the strategy many health practitioners use is to support their immune systems carefully during 'flu seasons.' Here's how they do it:


Four Top Ways You Become Exposed to Mercury

Mercury poisoning is a significant health threat for more and more people, despite the fact that its symptoms often go unrecognized as coming from that toxic metal.

In modern times, we no longer have hat makers using mercury (which is where the phrase 'mad as a hatter' originated).  Nor do we have doctors treating syphillis with mercury. Yet we are exposed in ways that are less obvious than those two examples, but they are still just as harmful, especially because mercury toxicity is cumulative. 

Here arethe four top ways we as modern people are being poisoned by mercury:


Mercury Exposure - Top Ten Reasons to Beware

With so many things to think about, why should we add one more thing to the list?  The answer is that failing to pay attention to our mercury exposure and its symptoms means adding a host of problems to the ones we're already dealing with. 

Alternatively, by paying attention now, we either avoid those problems entirely, or catch them early, before they are misdiagnosed as, say, attention deficit, hyperactivity, mental illness, multiple sclerosis and more.

Here are the top ten reasons to beware:


Brain Neuron Degeneration and Mercury - How Mercury Damages Your Brain Cells

Mercury has long been known to be a potent neurotoxic substance, whether it is inhaled or concealed in food as a dietary toxin. Over the past fifteen years, medical research laboratories have established that dental amalgam tooth fillings are a major contributor to mercury body burden.

Perhaps understanding how this takes place can lead to solutions that can repair the damage. How exactly does this take place?


Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - Here's How to Understand the Difference

Really comprehending the difference between a nutritional supplement made from an isolated synthetic fragment in a laboratory and a whole food supplement made from actual live plants can augment your resolve to get the real thing, and can immunize you against the onslaught of slick advertisements showing incredibly healthy, good looking people involved in outdoor activities in the shining sun.

Here's a way to 'get it'.


The One Key Question You Must Ask in Choosing Your Supplements

The one question you must learn to ask in choosing your supplements is:

             "Is this supplement an isolated synthetic one or whole food?"

Learning to answer this question can save you big time! Here are some key reasons why choosing a whole food supplement rather than one made from an isolated, synthetic chemical fragment laboratory imitation of a vitamin can make a profound, positive difference in your health:


Taking Vitamin Supplements - The Sense and the Cents

Here's the 'sense' of it, in a sentence:  The human body is designed to run on food.  Therefore to have the best possible health, it requires the fuel it was designed to burn.  In other words: food.  So it makes both sense and cents to you to use the right fuel when it comes to supplements. What is that then?


Brain Care Basics - Brain Fog, Brain Cells and Alzheimers

Experience a little brain fog these days and you're likely to panic. After all, it's the sharp brains that keep their jobs in a downsizing economy. And the human brain's been getting in some trouble lately, with incidence of Alzheimers, Attention Deficit, Autism and Asperger's skyrocketing.

Here's one very powerful and effective way to take care of your brain - with no prescription and no side effects...


Improve How Your Brain Functions by Supporting Your Emotional Life

How your brain functions has everything to do with your emotional life and how you manage it. In fact, your emotional health and well-being is one of the greatest assets you possess - more precious than your financial bottom line, even.

Yet most of us were trained out of managing our emotional lives. Here's what's needed...


Dietary Fat and Physical Symptoms

It was all the latest craze - the way to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke (and who wouldn't want to do that!) was to simply reduce your dietary fat intake. This started the fixation on lowering dietary fat consumption way back when people were asking "what is dietary fat?'

It went like this: to lower your risk of stroke or heart attack, you were supposed to lower your dietary fat intake across the board, no matter what type of fat it was. If it was fat, you were not to consume it.  What is the truth?


 Cholesterol and Your Health

You may have thought that cholesterol is dangerous. You may even have thought that consuming cholesterol in your diet increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

Therefore, you may assume that to improve your health and decrease your chances of getting heart disease, stroke or cancer that you need to reduce your intake of cholesterol. You would assume that would lower your blood cholesterol levels and bring you out of the danger zone.

Is this true?


An Informed Vaccine Choice Means Knowing Ingredients

Receiving a vaccination may now mean getting injected with tissues from another human being because some vaccines currently include various fetal cell lines from aborted fetuses, human albumen, genetically engineered human albumen and human DNA.

Some people object to this on the face of it - being injected with human fetal tissue in the first place. Others' protests are based on science, for example, the spike in autism rates when the chicken pox vaccine began containing fetal tissue. Then there are the unknown consequences such as the risk of ...


 What is Arthritis and Do You Have It?

Finding out what kind can help you address it effectively, and do so when you start to question when you feel pain in a joint. Now you wonder, is it in the joint cartilage, and what is cartilage anyway, and does that mean you have inflammation of the cartilage, and isn't that what arthritis is, and you didn't think you had a high arthritis risk but now you're not so sure.

OK. Let's define arthritis first. Simply put


My Arthritis Is Not Your Arthritis - One Symptom, Many Causes

Joint inflammation is painful,and when you're suffering with it you're highly motivated to find out what will stop it!

To realize that goal, address the two following elements covered in this article: symptom control and finding the cause (or causes) so that a healing direction can be revealed.  Six of these top causes are covered here.


Detoxing Skills: What You Need to Know to Avoid the Pitfalls

Why should you learn how to detox?  Learning how to detox your body is one simple skill you can learn that can improve your health in major ways, including:

  • decreasing puffiness, 
  • clearing of brain fog, 


Ten Top Tips to Support Regular Discharge Mode Times

So that your body can detox routinely, use the following ways to "give it a break" and put your body in discharge mode:

1. Avoid eating in the 2 - 3 hour time ...


How NOT to Detox (And When to Get Help)

The detoxification process is a powerful one and should be treated with the greatest respect. General, mild body detoxification processes can usually be undertaken in complete safety without the services of a qualified health professional; however attempting more than that on your own can cause big problems. For example:


Adulthood - How is This Life Passage Designed? 

Did anyone ever tell you how to be a grown-up? All too rare is the person who can answer "yes" to that question! Yet, learning the fundamental pattern that drives the basic stages of adult life has a myriad of benefits. It can


Revealed: The Basic Elements of Our Adult Life Cycle

Each of the stages that make up our ever-evolving cyclical life process as adults has certain characteristics, themes and issues, summarized here, that you can use to create smooth life passages.


Your Chemical Body Burden: How to Reduce Your Risk

Modern people have become living, breathing synthetic chemical experiments. One estimate is that Americans are exposed to over 100,000 different synthetic chemicals. Here are nine keys to reducing your risk.


Depression Solution List

Depression solution searches are all too often assumed to lie in the emotional realm because depression is an emotional symptom. Therefore physical issues are put aside.  Here are twelve top physical depression solutions to always get checked out...


Encountering Chronically Hurtful People

by special guest author Roxanne Livingston. M.A.

There are profound differences between people who occasionally "lose it" and do hurtful things and those who behave hurtfully as a matter of course. Here's how to learn to identify chronically hurtful people and how to take care of yourself around them - both essential survivial skills...


Mucky Mold - What You Don't Know Can Harm You

When you have a bunch of symptoms and you can't seem to identify any cause, you might consider something that so tiny it's almost impossible to see, and that something is mold. An incredible variety of health problems - some of them seemingly unrelated - can have mucky mold at their root.
So you can better understand what you're dealing with and what to do about it, here's a short review for you - common questions and important things to know.


Irritable from Insomnia - Prepare Yourself with These Three Approaches

Everybody's likely to experience insomnia sometime - so you might as well prepare yourself now so that when it happens to you, you're all ready and you won't 'lose sleep over it.'

After all, not being able to sleep is a lonely experience. There you are in the dark, and even if someone else is sleeping next to you, they can't help you. So the longer you can't sleep, the more likely you are to feel, not just frustrated, but isolated as well.


Stroke Prevention - How to Create Your Effective Strategy

Strokes (cerebral vascular accidents) are on the rise, and they can be severely debilitating or even cause death. Yet the vast majority are preventable.  Here's what to consider in creating an effective stroke prevention strategy for yourself:



Fatigued? Tired all the Time? Is Your Thyroid Being Poisoned?

If you're fatigued all the time, you won't be able to do anything.  That's why it's so important to find the cause - and more often than not, that cause is low thyroid function brought about in large part by thyroid poisoners.  Here are 14 of them - to be sure you eliminate every one...


Symptoms That Spell a Health Disaster in the Making

Here is a list of symptoms that spell a health disaster you won't want to encounter. Take a moment to score yourself and find out what to do to turn them around now while you still can.


Relationship Success Tips

Relationships that are mutually satisfying and beneficial to both parties are on everybody's 'want' list. Yet too many of us end up still 'wanting' in that department. Use these three ingredients to create a stable and secure foundation, because they are the cornerstone of successful relationships.  In doing so, you will engage in an ongoing process that minimizes  stress and drama and maximizes mutual support and satisfaction.


Hormone Replacement - Are You On It and Don't Know It?

Hormone replacement therapy always requires a visit to the doctor and a prescription, right?
Wrong! Increasingly municipal water systems, individual wells and the water table itself are contaminated with other people's hormone prescriptions that are consumed in drinking water - bottled or not. Here's a list of hormones and some guidance for action.


To Lose Weight More Easily - Test Yourself for This One Mineral

Weight loss can be a frustrating process.  Without this essential mineral, weight loss can be near impossible to achieve.  Here's what to do to find out if you have adequate stores, and if not, what to do about it.


Can Porous Bones Be Caused By Politics? Here's What You Need to Know

Can porous bones really be caused by politics?  Is there a link, and if so, what is it? Here are some answers to these questions along with essential information on standard medical treatments for porous bones (osteoporosis).


Cholesterol - The Danger is Not What You've Been Taught

You may have thought that cholesterol is dangerous, and that consuming it in your diet increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. And you'd think you'd need to reduce your intake to reduce your risk. But you'd be incorrect. Here's why:


Your Best Emotional Life Starts Here

Even as mature adults, we can't avoid some stresses and shocks - every life has them.  What we can do is minimize their occurence, and keep ourselves in the best possible condition to deal with them when they do occur.  Here are six things we can do to strengthen our 'emotional ground zero'...


Cancer Risk from Cell Phones, WiFi, Smart Meters & the EMF's They Emit

Over 40 scientists and health professionals reviewed all the studies to date on cell phone risk, wireless health risks and cancer. This is a summary of the facts they uncovered along with their urgent recommendations.


Do You Protect Yourself from Toxic Emotions? Here's the First Step 


We are often blind' when it comes to toxic emotions and toxic emotional messages.We consume toxic emotional words and create emotional stress without being aware of it and then wonder where all the relationship stress came from.Taking charge of your emotional life means taking this first step to deal with toxic emotions.


To Create Relationships That Are Healthy & Mutually Satisfying - Try This Approach

Creating relationships that are both healthy and mutually satisfying can be a rea challenge - especially without a roadmap.  To move your relationships in that direction, try the approach outlined here.


What Are Healthy Relationship Boundaries & Why Do We Need Them?

What are boundaries, anyway, and why do we need to have personal boundaries? Here are twelve facts about relationship boundaries that address these questions:


To Detoxify Your Body, This Works Like Crazy

Living in a toxic body is horrible.  You can feel listless, lethargic, cloudy headed, foggy brained, irritable, short-tempered, achey and worse.  To detoxify your body with maximum effect and minimum effort, do this one thing.


Get Your GMO Questions Answered Now

Here are the top ten key points you currently need to know about genetically modified foods and how they affect your health and that of your children, as researched by the Label GMO"s Grassroots Committee.


Want Relationship Success Even in Times of Relationship Stress? Check for this

The following relationship improvement strategy is one that tops the list for effectiveness, both for reducing relationship issues and for handling relationship stress well when it happens. Learn to implement it and you'll help your relationship - and yourself.


Is Your Fluoride Exposure Causing You Health Problems?  Use these facts to help you decide...

Fluoride exposure affects everyone, whether we know it or not. Does this pose a danger? Here are some significant fluoride facts to help you decide.


Healthy Relationships - Gain the Benefits of Managing Feelings Well

In relationships that work well, the participants use strategies for managing feelings.
The game plan for managing emotions in each relationship will necessarily have some aspects that are unique to that relationship. That said, here are some strategies you can apply to all relationships.


Fluoride Followup - Points to Consider Before Your Next Dental Visit

How do you talk to your dental health provider about fluoride, especially when you're presented with scientific facts that it reduces cavities?  Here are some points to consider...


To Build Better Relationships, Address Hidden Emotional Hungers

Emotional hungers drive the actions of people iin relationships whether or not they know
 Therefore to have a healthy relationship, avoid relationship problems, gain emotional support or improve a relationship that's ailing, it's essential to address these hidden hungers, starting with these four essential steps.


Shingles, Your Risk, Your Informed Choices & Your Options

A new shingles vaccine is currently being recommended to patients by their M.D.'s. Here are some facts about that vaccine and the three chicken pox vaccines to help you make a truly informed decision about receiving it.


Creating the Best Possible New Year

New Year resolutions are all well and good, and no doubt you'll receive lots of good wishes for bringing your New Years resolutions into being. But resolutions and wishes can only go so far; they're just not not enough to make it all happen. Having your best New Year means engaging in an on-going process in which you create success.

But how do you go about it? In short, creating the success you crave is about


Top Ten Health Topics for 2012

Throughout 2012, BetterHealthBytes subscribers have been voting with the click of their mouse to indicate the health improvement topics that most interest and concern them. Here are the results, the Top Ten Topics of 2012 with a short recap for each one, along with their links to check them out further.


Emotional First Aid with Fast-Acting Natural Remedies

We all encounter times when we're an emotional wreck and need emotional first aid. Here's what to include in an Emotional First Aid Kit along with how to use it when needed. Special knowledge from Burke Lennihan, R.N., C.C.H.


Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk with this One Simple Adjustment

Do you need to make this one simple adjustment that lowers your risk of heart attack? Use the checklist provided here to find out. 


Are Your Stress Symptoms & Extreme Exhaustion in the Danger Zone?

How do you know when your stress symptoms, tiredness and signs of exhaustion indicate a need for some rest, and when are they signs of a more dangerous condition that you need to attend to right away? Here are twelve ways to know. 


Self Defeat and Self Sabotage - How You Can Stop Them

Self defeat and self sabotage can be difficult to turn around because they are largely motivated by unconscious forces. Here's an effective way therapists and counselors use to aid the process.


Cell Phone Use - How to Be Smart About the EMF's

Cell phones are here to stay, so use the following twelve top ways to protect yourself and your children from the emf's (electromagnetic frequency)as much as possible.


Bioidentical Hormones - Safety Issues You Need to Know

Here are four essential facts to protect your when considering what causes symptoms and if hormone replacement is a choice you want to make.


For Better Relationships, These Emotional Needs Are Ground Zero

The quality, health and satisfaction of all relationships depends on attending to emotional needs. But what are they? Here are the six most basic ones.


Quit Smoking Successfully with These Two Tips

Quitting smoking can be a real bear, especially when those cravings hit.  Use these two proven strategies to handle them effectively. They're designed to help you address both the physical craving and the psychological one.


To Achieve True Hormone Balance - Start Here

Keeping female hormones balanced is a natural function of the female body. Why, then, do hormone levels fluctuate between low hormone levels or high, or anything but normal? Does the female body really require outside help to balance hormones? Here's a better way to achieve hormone balance that does not require hormone replacement with its dangers.


Feeling Dizzy - What Might It Indicate?

Sudden dizziness and dizzy spells are horrible, but that said, they are symptoms and not causes. Here are 16 possible causes to trace down.  Address the cause or causes, and you will resolve the dizziness symptom and have better health in the process.


Honesty - Do You Know When It's the WORST Policy?

When is being honest a good idea, and when can it not only get you in a heap of trouble, but be truly unsafe? Here are three examples to get you started, plus some recommended resources. 


Herbs and Drugs - Be Informed to Make Safe Choices

Should you include herbs or prescription drugs in your health care choices - or only one, or neither or both? Read on to inform your choices...


Getting Symptoms? Use These Three Crucial Strategies to Start Healing

Symptoms come from your body's instant message system - denying them is perilous.  Instead, tap in to your incredible innate healing capacities with these three keys...


Your Health Care - Is It Healthy For You?

Annual checkups, lab tests, health screenings, vaccinations, prescription drugs - do they add up to better health? Consider these facts as you decide...  



Headaches? Check for These Common Causes...

Headaches can be so distracting, and painful, and worrisome! It's enough to give you a headache! Get to the root of them by checking for these common causes...


Statins, Herbs and Your Health Choices

Statins drugs top the list of most prescribed drugs, yet they have many people running scared, and some have switched to red rice yeast. How do statins work and what other choices are there?  


Your top ten health concerns as voted on by people like you who want to improve their health and wellness. Health tips that work are available here.


Diabetes - How to Lower the Odds that You'll Succumb

Diabetes statistics are rising at an alarming rate, but there are things you can do to avoid becoming one of them.  Here are the top three, and their likely not what you'd expect.


Is Your Body Forming Stones?

Is your body forming stones? If so, you're headed for pain for sure. What causes kidney stones? Or what causes gall stones? Is there a common cause? Can you prevent kidney stones? Or gall stones? Here is one of the most common bodily conditions that precipitates stone formation, along with a simple way of addressing it.


Toxic Mercury - Why You Need to be ProActive

Avoiding Alzheimer's becomes a major health goal of anyone familiar with the statistics.Here's proof of the links between toxic mercury and the neurodegenerative changes of Alzheimers.See for yourself, and then get your own free self-questionnaire in the resources listed here.  


How to Identify A Chronically Hurtful Person 

Like it or not, there are people in the world who don't care about hurting other people. Your best course of action is to learn how to identify them - hopefully before they hurt you.  Here's how.


Liver Cleansing - Ten Ways to Know You Need It

Feeling tired?  Cranky?  Irritable?  Short fuse?  Perhaps it's time to clean your liver.  Here are ten ways to know if that's true, and two ways to get started if it is.


Your Bone Health - Don't Neglect This Often-Forgotten First Step

If you want to build bone, or even just keep the bone you currently have, don't overlook this often forgotten first step. And no, it's not about calcium or even vitamin D...


Your Reproductive Health - Is It Threatened by GMO's?

If you're eating food with genetically modified organisms (GMO's), here's some evidence about reproductive tissue health, pregnancy, spontaneous abortions and sperm count problems. Are they linked to GMO's?

Read more...  

Cholesterol - Why It's NOT the Culprit

Cholesterol turns out not to be the culprit for increased heart attacks, strokes and  cancers..  There is a culprit, though.  Here's what high cholesterol readings are actually telling you about the real culprit, and what the real culprit is.


Why Your Bones Need Cholesterol to be Healthy

Lowering your cholesterol too much can be really bad for your bones.  They need cholesterol to be healthy. Here's what you need to understand about it...

Read more... 

To Maximize Your Healing Response Apply These Tips 

Being sick is no fun.  Whether you are suffering from a little cut or a major trauma or anything in between, you can use these tips to speed your healing time.


Grieving - Help for When You Need To...

Loss and grief are part of life. Our choice is to learn how to grieve so any unfinished grieving process doesn't sabotage our lives. Here are some tips for life after loss when grieving is your top priority...


Horrible Hormone Mimics

Your food, water and air are loaded with dangerous hormone-mimicking compounds called xenoestrogens. Use these 8 tips to reduce and eliminate your exposure...


Leaky Gut Damage - The #1 Way to Stop It

Vague symptoms like belly pain, fatigue, intestinal discomfort, bloating can be symptoms of leaky gut.  Getting to causes can be difficult. Here's what they might mean.and the top strategy recommended by health professionals to deal effectively with them.


How's Your Emotional Life? 

It's been scientifically proven that your inner, emotional life determines your outer life actions and outcomes.Take this pop quiz to find out how yours is doing...


Sugar Cravings - Decode Them to Beat Them

Sugar cravings can be amazingly powerful, often winning even when we know better.  Use these strategies to minimize or eliminate them.


Emotional Self-Neglect

Your emotional self operates at the very core of your life, affecting everything you think and do. If you're neglecting your emotional life, you're setting yourself up for disaster.   You can create massive positive changes for yourself and avoid horrible disasters by paying attention to it.


Your Radiation Exposure

You might think  you're safe from nuclear radiation.  Here's why that might be a false assumption,and how to use the top protective strategy experts recommend...


Want to Heal a Symptom? Check Your Mindset

How is it possible that a physical symptom is even affected by your emotional state, let alone affects your ability to heal, for good or ill?  Recent scientific breakthroughs are now mapping exactly how that happens.  Here's a summary of what they're finding.


Parasites - Why Being Watchful is Worth It

An amazing number of medical conditions have parasites at their root. Make no mistake - they're not just pests, they can kill you . Here are some clues you can use along with pointers for proceeding...


Head Trauma and Brain Injury - Learn What to Do Before It Happens

Head trauma and brain injuries are all too common. Recognizing them when they happen can save a life.Plus, getting the appropriate help as quickly as possible means a speedier and more complete recovery. Here's what you need to know before it happens...


Emotional Infections - Do You Have One or Are You Passing One On?

You no doubt know that you can 'catch' an infection such as a cold or flu  from someone else.  But did you know you can also 'catch' an emotional infection from someone?  Here's how to know if that's going on and what you can do about it.


What's Your Emotional Stress Fallback Position?

Under emotional stress we all revert to our favorite emotional stressw management strategy.  To better reduce your stress, find out what yours is and what to do instead...


Powerful Messages for All Your Life Transitions

You can't prevent life changes. Whether they involve a birth, going through a divorce, a graduation, new job or changing career, even a death, your adjustment to these life transitions is unavoidable.  Use these powerful messages to help you through all your life passages.


 The Top Ten Health Topics for 2014

Here are the 2014 top ten health articles as voted on by mouse clicks from people all over the world who want to improve their physical and emotional health.


Is Your Heart Getting Enough of These Three Minerals to be Healthy?

Your heart absolutely requires these three minerals to be healthy and to function correctly, so make sure you're getting enough.  Check here to see how.


Vaccines - Protect Your Health with INFORMED Choices

You can use the resources here to protect your health by informing yourself about the some 250 (yes, two hundred and fifty!) vaccines that are or will be marketed to you...


To Ditch Diabetes & Blood Sugar Problems - Learn from People Who Have

Diabetes and related blood sugar handling issues are dramatically increasing, yet some people are ditching their diabetes entirely. Here are some things they're doing...


Fatigued? Tired All the Time? Suspect Thyroid Problems?

If you have fatigue symptoms, are constantly tired or suspect you have thyroid problems,check to see if you have the symptoms listed here. If so, try these simple dietary tweaks to help you regain control.


Microwaving Food - How It Damages Your Health

You're stuck with your genes right?  A genetic error, an absent gene, a cancer gene, and you can do nothing about their expression, you might think.  Actually, not exactly true. Here's why...


Your Genes Are Your Destiny - True or False?

You're stuck with your genes right?  A genetic error, an absent gene, a cancer gene, and you can do nothing about their expression, you might think.  Actually, not exactly true. Here's why...


Your Emotional State is Affecting Your DNA - Right Now!

Can your emotional state actually affect your DNA?  Russian scientists discovered that, even as you read these words, your emotional state is impacting your DNA.  Here's how that takes place...



Can Feeling Depressed Lead to Strokes?

Recent scientific studies link the two, and infer that immediately getting on anti-depressant medication will reduce stroke risk. But before you run out and get a prescription, check out these twelve conditions that can cause depression symptoms, because addressing any that apply to you can resolve depression entirely.


Your Heart Attack Risk - Check Yourself for This Major Cause

About your heart attack risk - lack of this one essential mineral is a major contributor to heart attacks. Do this simple self test to find out if you need more...


Relationships with Chronically Hurtful People

Relationships with chronically hurtful people (CHP's) can be stressful. Here expert and author Roxanne Livingston describes what they're really like, the better to deal with them. (Part 1 of a 3 part series.)


Chronically Hurtful People in Your Family

Chronically hurtful people exist everywhere, but what can you do when they're members of your own family?  Guest expert Roxanne Livingston tells us how to recognize that situation and the CHP's  effect on others, clearing up the usual confusion about who's responsible for what. (The 2nd of a 3 part series).                                                                                 Read more...

Chronically Hurtful People & Self-Responsibility

Chronically hurtful people exist everywhere. Sometimes they're even members of your own family. Since they can't be avoided, guest expert Roxanne Livingston tells us how to recognize that situation, the effect CHP's can have on you, and how best to proceed in that situation. (The 3rd of a 3 part series).  

Read more... 

Keeping Your Blood Sugar Balanced

Keeping your blood sugar balanced is crucial to your health - even your life!  You can even avert  a declining health cascade by keeping your blood sugar on an even keel.  Here are some tips to aid you...


Depressed?  Check Your Bones - Bone Loss?  Watch for Depression

If you're depressed you're in danger of bone loss. And if you're losing bone, you risk severe depression. What's going on and what can you do?

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Follow These Six Steps for Safer Cell Phone Use

Cell phones are convenient but emit health-harming electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's). Follow these six steps for safer cell phone use...

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Can Swimming Threaten Your Thyroid? 

Swimming is always good for you, right? Not exactly.  Some people find themselves getting more and more fatigued and actually gaining weight the more they swim. This has to do with the fact that swimming can threaten your thyroid.  Here's how that happens, how to find out if you're affected and what to do if you are.

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Human Fetal Cells - Are You Consuming Them?

Human fetal tissue is showing up increasingly in personal care products, vaccines, medications, and - yes - food!  If you are concerned about it for whatever reason, check this list to start educating yourself about where it's turning up.



Can Hot Tubs, Steam Baths and Saunas Help You Live Longer?

New scientific discoveries have uncovered just what happens to the body when heated via hot tubs, steam baths, sauans and sweat lodges which are part of cultures both ancient and modern.


Flu Vaccines for 2015 – Essentials You Need to Know

The flu vaccine season for 2015-2016 is upon us, and signs are everywhere letting you know you can get the latest influenza vaccine practically anywhere.Two of health care consumers’ top vaccine concerns are“What’s in it?' and "What does that substance do?"  Here is a short list you can refer to as you decide whether or not you want this vaccine for you or your loved ones...


Prevent Sparking Dangerous Fires when Refueling Your Vehicle

Here's how that can happen and also what to do to make sure it doesn't...


Is Diabetes Hidden in Your Food Choices?

Are you unwittingly consuming food that increases your diabetes risk? Check here to discover if this one top contributor is on your menu...

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Hurtful People - How to Start Preparing Your Children

Children are naturally innocent and trusting, but unfortunately the world they will encounter includes hurtful people.  Author and expert Roxanne Livingston, M.A. suggests starting here...


New Years' Resolutions?  This Works Much Better

To actually succeed in making the changes you desire, try this.  Clinical experience demonstrates that it works much better than 'make-'em-break-'em resolutions.


Your Top Ten Health Concerns for 2015

All year long readers have been voting with mouse clicks. Now here are the results - the top ten health concerns for 2015, along with links for futher information, including constructive steps to take.


Reduce Your Flu & Cold Risk by Spring Cleaning Your Body

You can greatly reduce your risk of succumbing to those awful spring colds and flu by spring cleaning your body.  It works because you're eliminating the toxins and refuse in your body the bugs want to live on.  Here's where to start...



What's Hidden Behind Your STRESS Symptoms?

Stress is a symptom, not a cause.  To address it effectively means to find and root out the cause, or causes.  Here are some common causes of stress, along with a description of what happens to women's hormonal systems under stress.


Support Your Hormones & Bones Under Stress 

Since you can't always avoid stress, understand what it does to your hormones and bones so you can act to preserve your health. Use the strategies here to manage stress effectively.


 Take Charge of Your Brain Health

To avoid dreaded conditions like Dementia, Alzheimers, ADHD and worse, use this strategy top experts recommend...




When Parents Can't Let Go of their Chronically Hurtful ADULT Children

When parents continue unhealthy attachments to dysfunctional ADULT children, they often feel stuck and unable to free themselves.  Here's advice for how to do that from expert Roxanne Livingston, M.A...



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Pamela Levin is an R.N. and a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst who has been in private practice offering health improvement services for 40 years.

She has over 500 post-graduate hours of training in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kineseology.

She has published many professional journal and lay audience articles and has an international reputation in the fields of emotional development, emotional intelligence and Transactional Analysis.

For her work in these areas, she was awarded the prestigious Eric Berne Award by members of the International Transactional Analysis Association in 72 countries.

She has lectured and trained both lay and professional audiences all over the world.

Her work is continues to be used  throughout North and South America, The UK, Europe, Asia and Australia.

She has personally researched the key emotional nutrients™ she makes available through this site.

They have consistently been demonstrated to be the core nutrients people need to feed all the six parts of their emotional selves. 

People from all cultures and languages in all parts of the world have used them since she first made them public in 1974 to feed their emotional selves, move from surviving to thriving, release limiting beliefs, improve parenting skills and more.

